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Privacy policy

1. Who is responsible for your data

Our Privacy Policy applies to the personal data that Wealden Leisure Limited T/A Freedom Leisure collects and uses.

References in this Privacy Policy to “Wealden Leisure Limited T/A Freedom Leisure”, “we”, “us” or “our” mean Wealden Leisure Limited T/A Freedom Leisure (a Registered Society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, Number 29336R - Registered Office - The Paddock, 1 - 6 Carriers Way, East Hoathly. BN8 6AG.)

We control the ways your personal data are collected and the purposes for which your personal data are used by Wealden Leisure Limited T/A Freedom Leisure and are the “data controller” for the purposes of the GDPR 2018 and other applicable European Union data protection legislation. 

2. Personal data we collect about you

When using the term “personal data” in our Privacy Policy, we mean information that relates to you and allows us to identify you, either directly or in combination with other information that we may hold. Your personal data may include for example your name, your contact details, information relating to the product or service you have purchased from us (e.g. your membership number) or information on how you use our website or you interact with us.

We collect some personal data from you, for example when you book a class or course with us, use our website, use our services or contact us. We may also receive your personal data from our suppliers who provide services to you on our behalf (for example when you provide feedback on our services, book a ticket online or use our free wi-fi). If you make any online booking on behalf of someone else, you must have their consent to use their personal information.

For more information on the parties who we may share your personal data with, please see section 7.

Categories of data we collect

We may collect and process the following categories of information about you:



Your name and surname and your contact details
(email address, telephone number and postal address)

When you purchase a membership,when you subscribe to our newsletters,when you choose to use our free wi-fi services at our applicable centres, when you make an online booking/purchase, when you take part in competitions, or when you choose an offer we make available on our website

Information about your bookings including the date, time and (if applicable) the name of your class/course

When you book

Information about your health, if you have a medical condition that we need to know about in order to provide your exercise regime  (please see section “Sensitive personal data” below for more information)

When you provide us with this information

Information about other people in your booking, and the age range of any children included (e.g. swimming lessons).

When you make a booking on behalf of other people including children

Information about your transaction, including your payment card details and/or bank details for direct debit transactions

When you purchase products or services from us using payment cards or direct debit

The communications you exchange with us (for example, your emails, letters, calls, or your messages on our social media channels)

When you contact Freedom Leisure or you are contacted by Freedom Leisure

Your posts and messages on social media directed to Freedom Leisure or any of our centre’s social media accounts

When you interact with us on social media

Your feedback

When you reply to our requests for feedback or participate in our customer surveys

Your preferred centres

When you choose to provide this information while creating an account on our website

Information about how you use our website such as your searches for centres, page views etc.

When you navigate on our website

Information that relates to your Freedom Leisure membership(s)

 When you obtain, renew or cancel your Freedom Leisure memberships

Sensitive personal data

In the course of providing services to you, we may collect information that could reveal your racial or ethnic origin, physical or mental health, religious beliefs or alleged commission or conviction of criminal offences. Such information is considered “sensitive personal data” under the UK Data Protection Act 1998 and other data protection laws. We only collect this information where you have given your explicit consent, it is necessary, or you have deliberately made it public.

For example, we may collect this information in the following circumstances:

For your safety, when you have a specific medical condition, you will need to inform us of that and –where required – provide us with a medical certificate.

By providing any sensitive personal data you explicitly agree that we may collect and use it in order to provide our services and in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

If you do not allow us to process any sensitive personal data, this may mean we are unable to provide all or parts of the services you have requested from us. Please be aware that in such circumstances you will not be entitled to cancel or obtain a refund on any purchase you have made. 

3. How and why we use your personal data

We use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To manage your bookings and provide our services to you
    When you are a customer of ours, we use your information to perform our services in relation to your purchase, for example to issue your tickets, register your booking, issue your member cards and accept your purchases. We also use it to change your bookings if you request such changes. In addition, we may use your information when you are using our centre services, such as our cafés.

  • To communicate with you and manage our relationship with you
    Occasionally we may need to contact you by email and/or SMS for administrative or operational reasons, for example in order to send you confirmation of your bookings and your payments, to inform you about your booking and to advise you of disruption and changes to your purchased products and services.

Please be aware that these communications are not made for marketing purposes and as such, you will continue to receive them even if you opt-out from receiving marketing communications.

We will also use your personal data if we contact you after you have sent us a request, filled in a web-form through our website or contacted us on social media.

Your opinion is very important to us, so we may send you an email or SMS to seek your feedback. We will use the communications you exchange with us and the feedback you may provide in order to manage our relationship with you as our customer and to improve our services and experiences for customers.